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2016-01-08 11:31:38

About a year ●●●●●● ●●●●●●cy ●●●●●● vdk Patsy Ramsey's ●●●●●● P●●●●●●e Davis ●●●●●●s off the grave of JonBenet Ramsey at the St. James E●●●●●●al C●●●●●●y in M●●●●●●a, Ga., T●●●●●●y, Aug. 17, 2006. A man ●●●●●●ed in T●●●●●●d is being held in ●●●●●●tion with the ●●●●●●g of JonBenet Ramsey, U.S. ●●●●●●als said W●●●●●●ay, Aug. 16, 2006. The girl was found ●●●●●● and ●●●●●●led in the ●●●●●●nt of the ●●●●●●'s home in B●●●●●●, Colo., on Dec. 26, 1996. (AP PhotoW●●●●●● A. H●●●●●●d)